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frequently asked questions

what if i need to reschedule?

Life happens. If something gets in the way of your session, just let me know and we can reschedule. It is your responsibility to communicate with me if you wish to reschedule. Rescheduling must be done within 6 months of originally booked session, otherwise your deposit expires & you will need to rebook at full cost.

do you travel?

I am based in CT, but I travel all around New England for sessions. Most of my sessions take place within 2 hours from my home, but I'm always willing to accommodate if you want me somewhere further. 

do you touch-up photos?

If it's something that will go away within some time, then I'll remove it from your photos. Things like pimples, cuts, and bruises will all be edited out of your photos with your approval. I will not airbrush your skin, or change the way your body looks in your photos.

what do i wear?

Wear what makes you feel beautiful and comfortable. If you need help deciding on outfits, you can always send me pictures & I will help. I'm here to coordinate & style your session, so don't hesitate to ask!

do you give unedited photos?

If you're booking me, you are aware of my style & your photos will be consistent with my portfolio that you see on all of my handles, as well as my website. Under no circumstances do I give clients unedited photos. 

when do you provide photos?

For most sessions, I will provide a sneak peek gallery within a few days. When it comes to full galleries, my average session turnaround time is around 2 weeks. Timing of your full gallery also depends on how busy I am at the time. You can expect a bit of fluctuation on delivery time during different seasons.

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